A Forbidden Trip
Video installation with hologram, 2017
微型全像投影錄像裝置, 2017
Video installation with hologram, 2017
微型全像投影錄像裝置, 2017
political cityscape...
On the 19th of April, 1989, a street attack happened at Central Park in NYC, America. This accident was most reported in the 1980s, and it can be traced to a street slang called 'doing the wild thing', or called 'Wilding'.
「1989年的4月19號,美國紐約的中央公園發生了集體街頭隨機攻擊事件,這起被紐約時報稱為一九八零年代報導最多的犯罪行為,起源於一句街頭俚語-'doing the wild thing',而後又被大眾簡稱為'Wilding'(詳見https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Park_jogger_case)。」
A Forbidden Trip is a video installation researching about political and cultural geography in the city. This work consists of a sculpture made of found objects and shaped by the actual silhouette of Great London, a video shown on the phone and a small hologram.
To make the sculpture artists overlapped the population map (made by the GOV.com) of Asian, women and Chinese, then draw a route where is less overlapped and physically visit the route afterwards. The more overlapped area, the more objects stacked up on the sculpture. In the journey artist collected objects on the street, taking on-site recordings and videos, inviting the first Asian encounters to show an object which can represent them the most—then juxtaposed all the elements together into the final work.
'I shall not encounter any Asian people in the journey, but I was expecting one when walking on the street. It is different from Benjamin's flâneur but more about being scared and looking forward to an unpredictable trip in the city. It's like stepping into a place that I shouldn't go, a bit like NYC wilding thing. I take my work/walk as a demonstration, an experiment and a play. In the final work, I hope to repeatedly reverse the relationship between visual information and actual elements and present my experience differently'.
A Forbidden Trip為一錄像裝置作品,探討城市文化種族與地理的關係。作品包含一由拾獲物組合而成的雕塑、ㄧ手機錄像裝置及一微型全像投影。雕塑的基底外型是大倫敦地理地圖的外圍形狀,拾獲物的堆疊是參考2011年華裔、女性、其他亞裔人種的倫敦人口分布圖重疊的影像,以愈密集重複的區域堆疊愈高的規則去往上堆積而成,最後呈現的外觀像是城市建築物集合聚落。手機的錄像則是藝術家把人口分布重疊圖中最沒有交集之區域連接成一路線,親自造訪旅程路線時拍攝的錄影畫面,而全像投影中的物件們是藝術家在造訪各路線時第一個遇到的亞裔人士所提供可以代表個人的物品組合,在播放手機影片時隨機投影出來。